F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter








Next meeting: October 6th, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


          To start off with we want to send wishes to Bill Bors for a swift recovery with his hip injury, he wasn’t able to make the show but the phone call I got sounds like as soon as he is able to he’ll be back around. It was great to see everyone at the show again, I wish I could’ve wandered around and socialized some more but things were pretty busy, I don’t have exact numbers but I know we had a bigger show than last year by a long shot, and maybe bigger than our 2011 show J Anyone with suggestions/comments/concerns let us know, we’ll consider suggestions for improvements in the future


          I can’t say enough for the help we had at the show, and I have to say congradulations to Mike Lumley and Billie Phillips on the engagement, certainly surprised everyone where I was standing and we wish you both the best. Also congratulations go out to Kevin Leichliter on his winning our first Jumpstart Program award, we wish him and Rachel Harper the best with their projects (Rachel don’t forget you can apply again for next year) J


About the show, I was happy things went very well, our raffle to benefit Solutions Recovery netted them $248, we had several new members sign up, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood and helpful, the people movers went over good (several people talked about how they enjoyed the lake rides), and we had a very steady crowd at the turnip train, while tired I am looking forward to next year already


Show Dates

10/26: Harper Farms Plow Day, 10am, if enough show also on 10/27, Contact Mark Jolly for info


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Russ Rolke 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley 513-515-8613 or ihpapaw@yahoo.com

Larry Flynn (513)266-7413 or l.flynn60@yahoo.com

Dave Siebert, Treasurer, (937)603-4233 or davedenisesiebert@gmail.com

Roger Walker, Secretary, 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com